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Research and health program

We are working with our health partners, the Phelan-McDermid Foundation in the United States and the Marseille University Hospital in order to offer families with a guided follow-up for their Phelan-McDermid children in France. We are committed to guiding and informing Phelan-McDermic families in France on scientific advances via our social networks, our virtual groups via social medias, and with many other helpful resources offered to our members.


We are also in close contact with and support the Institut Pasteur and the Dr.Bourgeron's research team which is specialised on Phelan-McDermid syndrome in France. To learn more about their research click here

We are also part of a network that enables our members to access adapted material for our Phelan-McDermid heros. 

We also organize scientific conferences that bring together researchers and families in order to promote exchanges and strengthen our Phelan-McDermid networks and to inform families about the latest scientific advances in France.

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© 2023 FRANCE - Syndrome Phelan-McDermid, FRANCE

Association française: "Tehani et les enfants Phelan-McDermid"


Site originellement conçu par Nadège et Tama Burns

  • 22q13 Phelan McDermid France PMS
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  • @tehanipms
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